Libby is identifying which of Michael Mazourek’s Cucurbita moschata and C. maxima breeding lines are: 1) resistant to powdery mildew and 2) candidate replacements for the susceptible cultivars used in the processing industry.
Smart Lab @ Cornell University
Christine Smart is a Plant Pathologist and leader of the Smart Lab at Cornell University. the lab contributes to the CucCAP Squash Team and CucCAP Extension team
Cucurbit Disease Factsheets | Cornell Vegetables
These factsheets from Cornell CALS can be found on the Cornell Vegetable Program and the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center websites.
PDMR 16 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 16, 2022
Results of 2021 field trials, Published in 2022.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumbers and squash.
Integrated Disease Management Team | 2021 Progress Report
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Gregory Vogel
This pHD candidate’s CucCAP grant research focused on developing squash breeding lines with some Phytophthora blight resistance and mapping genes involved in disease resistance. His other focus was pathogen population genetics. In CucCAP1 the squash team sequenced and characterized isolates of the causal agent, Phytophthora capsici, from around New York and mapped genes in the pathogen associated with mating type, fungicide resistance, and virulence.
Squash Team | 2021 Progress Report
CucCAP researches reveal Phytophthora capsici loci involved in mating type and mefenoxam sensitivity
In this study, researchers at Cornell collected 252 strains of the pathogen from across New York State and sequenced portions of their DNA in order to characterize the genetic structure of the pathogen population.