Florida Extension agents have reported insect activity in North Florida watermelon fields.
AgNet Media
AgNet Media, formerly Vegetable and Specialty Crop News (VSC news) is an agricultural media company serving crop producers. Through multiple news outlets, AgNet Media reports the latest news on agricultural technologies and research. AgNet Media operates the Citrus Expo in Florida.
Watermelon sun protection | VSCNews
South Georgia is on the brink of starting its watermelon harvest season. If farmers hope to capitalize with multiple harvests, they may need to apply chemical applications to protect against sunburn, which has been one of the few concerns during the production season.
Sanitation Important Management Tool
Downy mildew and powdery mildew on melons can spread from older, diseased plants to surrounding fields where plants are still maturing.
Crop Updates for 5-24-2021 | Clemson Extension
Gummy Stem Blight a Problem in North Florida Watermelons
Fusarium wilt is not the only disease affecting North Florida watermelons. According to an email alert sent by Suwannee Valley Extension agents, the region’s watermelon crop is undergoing high gummy stem blight pressure. High temperatures and humidity along with rain showers have provided the perfect environment for gummy stem blight.
Fusarium Wilt a Problem in Watermelons in South Carolina
CucCAP plant pathologist Tony Keinath recently reported in The South Carolina Grower that Fusarium wilt disease is becoming more widespread in watermelon fields in South Carolina.
Fusarium Wilt on Rise in Watermelons
Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates | VSCNews
Cucurbit crops in coastal South Carolina continue to develop well with a low incidence of chill injury from the cooler temperatures observed in April. Cucumber beetles, aphids, and squash bugs are being monitored. Crops are free from disease; however, protectant fungicides are still necessary. In the South Carolina lowcountry, galling on squash roots has been found in some fields. The galling is an indicator of root-knot nematodes.