The University of New Hampshire seeks a tenure-track faculty member with demonstrated expertise in the area of plant genetic improvement. The appointee is expected to develop a research program focused on the applied genetic improvement of horticultural crops. Using genome-enabled trait development and breeding strategies, the candidate is expected to work on horticultural crop improvement. The search committee will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2021.
Cucurbit Genetics, Genomics, & Pathology
Scientific articles published and cited by CucCAP researchers
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report #43
CucCAP scientists Amnon Levi, Linda Wessel Beaver and Todd Wehner are members of the CGC Coordinating Committee. They collaborated with the Cucurbit research community to publish this report.
Faster test detects watermelon disease | VGNews
University of Georgia researchers have now developed a faster way to detect the presence of Fusarium wilt.
Call for Papers| 2020 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report
The cucurbit research community is encouraged to continue to share research, manuscripts, reports, descriptions of new techniques, interesting observations from their regions, or any information that could be of use or interest to the cucurbit genetics and related research communities.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #43 call for papers
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) editor, Amnon Levi is now accepting manuscripts or reports for CGC #43.
Breeding Better Cucurbits | VSCNews
In the September 2020 edition of the Vegetable and Specialty Crop News Magazine, CucCAP vegetable breeder Cecilia McGregor and Extentension Specialist George Boyhan discuss pumpkin, watermelon, and summer squash breeding work at UGA.
Resource: Advances in breeding of cucumber and watermelon
Technology to Grow Better Cucurbits | VSCNews
With a wide variety of options to choose from, researchers are working with technology in order to grow better cucurbits. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS), marker assisted selection and genomic selection have been used to improve specialty crops like squash, pumpkins and watermelons.