Pickling Cucumber Sessions Mary Hausbeck, Plant, Soils and Microbial Sciences Dept., MSU, presented: Cucumber Disease Control in 2017 Jonathan Schultheis presented: The North Carolina Pickling Industry and Use of Parthenocarpic Fruiting Types
CucCAP Disease Management Team
The Disease Management Team contributions to the CucCAP project include English and Spanish factsheets about cucurbit crop and disease management strategies including images of disease symptoms for crop producers, articles about cucurbit plant pathology, and articles about the team’s research efforts and accomplishments.
Manejo de Phytophthora en calabaza de invierno y en calabaza
Managing Phytophthora on Winter Squash and Pumpkin, the English version of this factsheet, is available on the Hausbeck Lab website.
2017 Pumpkin Variety Trials | North Carolina Cooperative Extension
CucCAP Extension specialists evaluated pumpkin and squash varieties for a variety of traits including disease susceptibility. Source: 2017 Pumpkin Variety Trials | North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Pudrición Gomosa del tallo en Cucurbitáceas | NC State Extension Publications
CucCAP published a Spanish version of the Gummy Stem Blight Fact Sheet. This is the sixth factsheet that our plant pathologists have translated. Look for more Spanish factsheets in the coming months.
Some downy mildew recommendations for cucumbers – VGN
Downy mildew causes severe leaf blight on cucurbit crops, including cucumber, melon, squash, and pumpkin.
Downy mildew recommendations for cucumbers | MSU Extension
For Michigan to remain the top producer of pickling cucumbers in the U.S., downy mildew must be controlled.
Puerto Rico 2017 Spring field day
In April 2017, Angela M. Linares Ramirez and Linda Wessel-Beaver held a field day on the Agricultural Experiment Station at Lajas, Peurto Rico with 119 farmers attending. Extension agents, students and agronomists assisted with an update in all research activities including the CucCAP activities. In the pictures Linda Beaver is explaining her current research, the evaluation of […]