Pumpkins planted with plastic mulch tend to grow faster. This may may result in longer powdery mildew foliage management to protect fruit from sunburn.
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South Carolina Grower Update | May 13, 2024
Aggressive downy mildew infection in Florida and Georgia
Extension specialists want growers to have a heightened alert and to intensify scouting when we indicate alerts for any of these diseases or other pests.
Late Georgia watermelon crop faces challenges
Watermelon diseases respond to weather conditions consistent with heavy moisture which was the case in Georgia recently. Tissue samples from fields are being analysed for Gummy stem blight and Fusarium. Disease management is going to be imperative.
Florida watermelons face disease threats
Recent excessive rains in North Florida have impacted the region’s watermelon crop. Growers could soon face the potential buildup of diseases. Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, and Gummy stem blight have been reported in the last few weeks.
Michigan cucurbit update | May 15, 2024
Michigan farmers are transplanting cucumbers and squash. Striped cucumber beetles are feeding. Seedless watermelons seedlings are germinating in Michigan greenhouses.
Powdery mildew observed in Florida watermelons
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension confirmed the presence of Powdery mildew this week, though most fields have not yet shown signs of the disease. A microclimate of humidity promotes disease on the watermelon vines.
Plant Pathologist confirms Downy mildew in Georgia cucumber field
Cucurbit growers are advised to scout for symptoms in their fields and apply a protective fungicide spray.