In September 2023, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Integrated Pest Management specialists published a list of pesticides and the relative efficacy index of each product on adult and nymph whiteflys.
Cucurbit Crop & Disease Management Resources
Plant Disease clinics in the USA, Cucurbit disease forecasters, Field & Variety Trials, Cucurbit Variety Trials, Pest Management, Cucurbit Production manuals & handbooks, Disease diagnosis, Disease outbreaks, Extension news, and Cucurbit Grower news.
Michigan Cucurbit update | September 6, 2023
Clemson Crop Updates | August 30, 2023
Summer vegetable harvests are going well in South Carolina. Disease and insect pressure are relatively high. Growers are advised to scout frequently.
Michigan Cucurbit update | August 30, 2023
Whitefly Management in Melons
The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, can cause significant melon crop losses and result in excessive insecticide use. Adults and nymphs feed on the undersides of melon leaves by inserting their piercing/sucking mouthparts into vascular tissue and extracting plant juices that will reduce fruit quantity and size. Image and article by: John C. Palumbo, Associate Research Scientist of vegetable crops at the University of Arizona’s Yuma Agricultural Extension Center.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew updates August 29, 2023 | ipmPIPE
Cucurbit Downy Mildew was detected in Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Delaware, Virginia, and New Jersey in August 2023.
Whitefly populations are on the rise
University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension vegetable entomologists describe squash plants that haven’t sprayed yet with 100 whiteflys per leaf.
Scout diligently for thrips
Thrips (T.) parvispinus was recently observed in Florida on cucumber, squash and zucchini for the first time last spring. First symptoms look like broad mite damage, so growers need to scout for thrips.