In 2022 and 2023, the Hausbeck Plant Pathology Lab evaluated pickling cucumbers, acorn squash, and hard squash.
Cucurbit Crop & Disease Management Resources
Plant Disease clinics in the USA, Cucurbit disease forecasters, Field & Variety Trials, Cucurbit Variety Trials, Pest Management, Cucurbit Production manuals & handbooks, Disease diagnosis, Disease outbreaks, Extension news, and Cucurbit Grower news.
New IPM tool for Cucurbit growers
MyIPM for Vegetables provides Integrated Pest Management information for production of vegetable crops including cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon.The target audience is commercial growers, farm advisors, and specialists.
MyIPM for Vegetables provides Integrated Pest Management (IPM) information for conventional and organic production of vegetable crops including, cucurbits (cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, watermelon) and tomatoes.
The target audience is commercial growers (conventional and organic), farm advisors, and specialists, but homeowners may also find useful information.
2024 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide
This guide is a summary of current crop and pest management recommendations for commercial vegetable growers. This guide is a collaboration of land-grant universities from eight states. It provides a summary of current crop and pest management recommendations for commercial vegetable growers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio.
2023-2024 Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida
The purpose of this book is to provide the best and most up-to-date information availablew to the primary users of this book – The Florida Vegetable industry.
Fusarium warning due to cool & wet weather
North Florida watermelon producers should be wary of increased potential for fusarium wilt disease with planting season looming.
Fungicide resistance a concern for watermelon growers
Symptoms begin as circular yellow areas on the leaves. Growth of the fungus appears as the infection progresses and can be observed on the underside of the leaves. “White powder” can be viewed on both surfaces of the leaves and stems as the tissue decays.
Cucurbits top list of 2023 Vegetable Industry survey
The 2023 State of the Vegetable Industry survey provided information and insight into multiple parts of the sector. Data from the survey results reveal top vegetable crops grown in the Southeast U.S. include summer squash or zucchini in the number one spot, cucumbers in the third spot, and watermelon competing for sixth place with several other vegetables.