The 2024 Southeast U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook is now available. The handbook represents a joint effort among Extension specialists and researchers from 12 land-grant universities in the U.S. who work in the area of vegetable production. These specialists and researchers represent a wide array of disciplines: agricultural engineering, entomology, vegetable production, plant pathology, postharvest physiology, soil science, and weed science.
Author: cuccap
Carolina Strongback watermelon rootstock tolerant of Fusarium
A costly but effective option for watermelon producers hoping to overcome fusarium wilt disease is the use of Carolina Strongback rootstock.
Cucurbit breeders release improved varieties
New ToLCNDV Information Center for Cucumber, Melon, and Squash
How Syngenta Breeds Resistance Traits in Vegetable Crops
Syngenta Introduces Two New ToLCNDV Resistant Squash Varieties for Mediterranean Basin
Crafting Watermelons that Maintain High Yield Potential and Meet Consumer Demand
Watermelon Varieties You Will Want To Know and Grow in 2024
Anthracnose and Downy mildew disease symptoms in watermelons
Growers should consult Extension personnel when deducing what problem they might have. A wrong diagnosis could have financial repercussions.
Cucurbit variety updates | Growing Produce
View some of the Latest Pumpkin and Squash Varieties for Growersin this slide show from Growning Produce.
Hausbeck Lab Plant Disease Management Reports
In 2022 and 2023, the Hausbeck Plant Pathology Lab evaluated pickling cucumbers, acorn squash, and hard squash.
CucCAP scientists study pathogen resistances to watermelon fungicides
Watermelon is affected several pathogens and pests that are frequently controlled by SDHI compounds. Scientists from North Carolina State University compared the sensitivity of the different pathogens to various SDHIs.
New IPM tool for Cucurbit growers
MyIPM for Vegetables provides Integrated Pest Management information for production of vegetable crops including cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon.The target audience is commercial growers, farm advisors, and specialists.