Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group

emerging viruses in cucurbit's working group logoThe Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group (EVCWG) is improving  communication and virus knowledge across the cucurbit industry and developing strategies to successfully identify and mitigate virus threats to cucurbit production in the United States.

CucCAP team member and Research Plant Pathologist Bill Wintermantel of the USDA-ARS Crop Improvement and Protection Research group in Salinas, CA is Co-Chair of the working group along with Rebecca Melanson, an Associate Extension Professor at Mississippi State University.

CucCAP Co-PIs  Anthony Keinath, Shaker Kousik, and Kai-Shu Ling are part of the EVCWG’s nine member stearing committee. CucCAP watermelon team researcher, Cecelia McGregor is a member of EVCWG.