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PAG 31
International Plant and Animal Genome - Cucurbit Genomics Session Friday, Jan 12 4:00 PM Organizers: Pat Wechter & Amnon Levi Abstracts Incorporating Fusarium Wilt Resistance into Watermelon Cultivars Using Molecular Tools by: Venkat Ganaparthi, William, Patrick Wechter, Amnon Levi, and Sandra E. Branham Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB) v2: An Updated Database for Cucurbit Genomics by: Zhangjun Fei, Boyce Thompson Institute Graph-Based Pangenome of the Citrullus Genus Provides Insights into Watermelon Evolution and Domestication by: Honghe Sun, Shan Wu, Jie Zhang,…
Find out more »2024 Southeast Michigan Vegetable Grower Winter Meeting
Tips to manage those pesky water mold pathogens: Phytophthora and downy mildew
Mary Hausbeck, Michigan State University
Watermelon Field Day
7/11 – Watermelon Field Day – Edisto REC, 64 Research St, Blackville, SC 29817 – 8:00 am-2:00 pm – RSVP to gmllr@clemson.edu
Find out more »Plant Health 2024
CucCAP plant pathologists will make presentations at this meeting.
Find out more »XXII Eucarpia General Congress
Global Challenges for Crop Improvement
Find out more »2025 NWA Research Grant Proposals Due
Grant award winners will be announced in November
Find out more »ASHS 2024 Annual Conference
The ASHS Annual Conference is a showcase for the latest advances in science and technology related to horticulture and specialty crops. The Conference brings together researchers, scientists, industry, academia, government, and students to cultivate ideas and share new techniques.
Find out more »Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group – Webinar
This webinar will provide information on begomovirus epidemiology, transmission, and management in cucurbits. Begomoviruses that impact cucurbits in the United States will be discussed as well as key begomoviruses not yet present in the United States that impact cucurbits in other regions of the world. During the panel discussion, experts from academia, government, and industry (see registration page) will share knowledge, based on their own research and experiences, and will address emerging issues related to begomoviruses, especially those issues related…
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